Dave from Sacramento Peace Action put together a great series of links on what is really going on as the US War Beast eyes Syria.....
SYRIA UPDATE - Truth Priority Informative Links
Compiled by David R. Kimball August 31, 2013 Obama to Seek Congressional Approval for Syria Strike (Video) by Ben Geman 8-31-13 http://thehill.com/blogs/blog- Obama’s Syria Attack: The Health of the Military Industrial Complex, by Kurt Nimmo 8-31-13 http://www.infowars.com/ U.S. Neocon Hawks Take Flight Over Syria, by Jim Lobe 8-31-13 http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/ PNAC members all too similar to the 66 “experts” pressuring Obama into Syria, posted by James 8-30-13 http://12160.info/group/ America Totally Discredited by Paul Craig Roberts 8-30-13 http://www.paulcraigroberts. Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening Making Syrian War Difficult, by Mikael Thalen 8-29-13 http://www.storyleak.com/ Fuhrer Obama to Attack Syria Without Asking Congress, posted by TheAlexJonesChannel 8-28-13 https://www.youtube.com/watch? Russia Defends Syria With Vigor, by Alexander Warkentin 8-28-13 http://www.dw.de/russia- Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Another False Flag Operation, History Repeating Itself, by Global Research News 8-28-13 http://www.globalresearch.ca/ The Drums of War are Beating: Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians in Syria, by Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer 8-28-13 http://www.globalresearch.ca/ In Rush to Strike Syria, U.S Tried to Derail UN Probe, by Gareth Porter 8-27-13 http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/ “Brzezinski denounces what appears to be imminent military action against Syria” Brzezinski: Syria Strategy is a ‘Well-kept Secret’ 8-26-13 http://www.dw.de/brzezinski- Tarpley on Brzezinski: http://archive.org/details/ Syria: Another Western War Crime in the Making, by Paul Craig Roberts 8-26-13 http://www.paulcraigroberts. Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads Death Squads in Iraq and Syria. The Historical Roots of US-NATO’s Covert War on Syria, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky 8-26-13 http://www.globalresearch.ca/ US Military Intervention on Syria Can Lead to WWIII: Analyst, posted by Kevin Barrett 8-25-13 http://www.veteranstoday.com/ UN Human Rights Report on Syria: Camoflage of US-NATO Sponsored Massacres, by Stephen Lendman 1-2-13 http://www.globalresearch.ca/ |
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