Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Announcing Two Important New Panels at Left Forum 2017 9/11 Truth and a Courageous Criticism of Zionism

Deep State 2.0: Against Anti-Semitism, but Critical of Zionism

in Session 1:  
10:00am - 11:50am
Room: 1.93
at John Jay College for Criminal Justice
New Building
524 W 59th St, New York, NY 10019
with: Sander Hicks, Joel Simpson and Alison Weir

The September 2016 foreign aid package to Israel grants it $38 billion from the US, over the next ten years. In a recent poll, half of progressive and left-leaning Americans said Israel has too much influence on the US government. BDS and Black Lives Matter have recently given voice against Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. A recent FOIA request released the FBI’s own report on the four “Israeli movers” apprehended by police for celebrated the 9/11 attacks, in New Jersey. 

The Deep State 2.0 Panel points the way to a new path to peace in the Middle East: remove the massive funding from the US war machine, and its support for Zionist aggression. Fearlessly expose Israel’s and the CIA’s role in 9/11/01. End the racist demonization of Islam, and grant full statehood and human rights to Palestine. We reject the cliche that assume the Middle East will be at perpetual war, and that the conflict between Arabs and Jews is insurmountable. 

Peace in the Middle East will come when all sides have an equal common need to come to the table. We must parse out the Anti-Semitism in peace, anti-war and deep state politics, while being critical of Zionist militarism, aggression, and imperialism. 

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How New 9/11 Legal Actions Redefine Resistance
So many political movements continue to labor towards the creation of a just world, following decades of struggle. Yet the existence of an all-powerful security state with fascist tendencies has exerted its power to advance its agenda for absolute control at every turn. This security state hijacked our government into a corrupt institution run by and for oligarchs and corporations who conduct their business through the policy of war abroad and repression at home. A new strategy for resistance is required and time is short. The declassification of 28 pages from the Congressional Joint Inquiry on 9/11 and passage of The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) has returned focus to the cover up of the 9/11 attacks and hypocrisy of the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia. Following a few steps further exposes collusion by members of the Bush administration, intelligence agencies, identifiable Deep State entities, and mainstream media. These developments have led to a new phase of 9/11 litigation. Come learn how analysis of even this one area of 9/11 evidence reveals the geo-politics of the U.S.-Saudi relationship and its effect in destabilizing the Middle East. This understanding is essential to exposing the war on terror as a tool of the criminal Deep State.


Sander Hicks -

Barbara Honegger -
Former White House policy analyst and Justice Department official

J. Michael Springmann -
Lawyers' Committee For 9/11 Inquiry,

Jane Clark -
Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry,

Les Jamieson -

John Jay College for Criminal Justice
524 W 59th St, at 10th Ave - 
Take trains to Columbus Circle. 

Tickets for the weekend range from $40 - $100. To pre-register, go to
​ and click on the green Ticket​ button.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Truth Action Project NYC - MINUTES from the Meeting last night May 18, 2017

Next Meeting of Truth Action Project, NYC - June 15, 7-9 PM at the 15th Street Quarterly Meeting House, (the big red Quaker buildings at 15 Rutherford Place, NYC)

MINUTES from the Meeting last night May 18, 2017 at 15th Street Meeting House:

  1. TAP NYC at Left Forum. TAP NYC will have a table at the Left Forum. June 2-4 at John Jay College. Wayne Coste will join us. We are printing T-Shirts, they will have the TAP NYC logo and the national TAP logo on the back. We are taking pre-orders for shirts, if you want one, please send an email NOW to

We discussed the recent controversey between Left Forum and holocaust denier Cat McGuire. (3 of her panels were denied, which is too bad, as they involved Richard Gage, Kevin Barrett, and Michael Springmann). However, Cat’s views on the Holocaust are incompatible with the views of the Left Forum, so IMHO, she was not a good way for the NYC 9/11 Truth community to get into Left Forum.

On this note, Michael recommended people view the 9/11 Visibility podcast, “Staying Reasonable.”
We will include this in our future email campaign (see below).

We noted that we want to always stay “on message” according to AE9/11 Truth, and the TAP mission and strategy.

2. Outreach to Churches  - We discussed the recent flyering we did with a custom Truth flyer aimed at Christian activists, outside the Revolutionary Love conference. Sander discussed doing a direct mail campaign, of a full color flyer, mailed out to a list of all churches, synagogues, mosques and temples in NYC.  REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS: Can someone volunteer to help me on this project?

We made edits as well to the Christian Outreach flyer - which is online, here, which the recent changes:

3. UN Outreach Letter: Sander has developed personal contacts inside the UN. Deb L. may be willing to help follow up. Deb, please take a look at the letter below:

4. OUTREACH to develop new Members of TAP NYC - Sander will work on an email campaign, via Mail Chimp - using data he is getting from TAP National contacts and the petition drive. Sander asked the members at the meeting for ideas on what content to include, and members had a bunch of great ideas for links and videos - and Sander took copious notes.

5. BLOCK PARTY - Sander and Deb had an idea to throw a Block Party on East 7th St, between B/C for Truth Action Project, to raise visibility about 9/11 Truth, peace, justice and higher consciousness. We can create a “big tent” and attract other peace, justice, immigrants rights, human rights, spiritual groups. PLEASE VOLUNTEER via Sander to help organize this with us. July 8 or 9 is proposed.

6. STATEN ISLAND - Michael will organize at event with Sander and/or Les in Staten Island, NY, at the local activist bookstore. His recent video-cast event with Richard Gage drew a crowd of 30 people! Woo hoo!

7. CLEAR WATER FESTIVAL in Beacon NY - WOW this looks like a great idea - lots of fun! Let’s go and organize there! Road Trip! Sander can take people up, in his van…..June 17 and 18

Let me know if YOU want to go have FUN and petition for 9/11 JUSTICE!!!!

The 2017 Clearwater Festival will take place on Saturday and Sunday, June 17 and 18 at Croton Point Park in Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, NY. Festival gates open to attendees at 9AM.
Clearwater’s Great Hudson River Revival (aka “the Clearwater Festival” or “Revival”) features seven sustainably powered stages with diverse music, dance, storytelling and family-oriented programming as well as a juried Handcrafters’ Village, the Green Living Expo, the Working Waterfront with small boat exhibits and rides, the Artisanal Food & Farm Market, environmental education displays and exhibits, and the Circle of Song where audience participation is the focus.

Next Meeting of Truth Action Project, NYC - June 15, 7-9 PM at the 15th Street Quarterly Meeting House, (the big red Quaker buildings at 15 Rutherford Place, NYC)

A new Direction for 9/11 Truth - The Spiritual Calling

"It's A Spiritual Calling"

A New direction for 9/11 Truth 
I am inspired today by Pastor John Shuck, minister of a church in Beaverton, Oregon. He posted this about his own awakening around 9/11, thanks to articulate theologian David Ray Griffin.

A nasty controversy ensued when Griffin had the temerity to combine radical Christian social justice teachings with the truth about the 9/11 attacks. I mean, you know a book is great when two editors are fired, and a big church publisher chickens out and "apologizes" for what was probably their greatest publication. It was a clear case of fear triumphing over love of the truth. 

Pastor Shuck is doing local activism, and is showing the AE 9/11 Truth film tomorrow, at his Church. If you are out there, please go. And yes, of course, his blog is titled "Shuck and Jive." What else?

Here in NYC, a fellow spiritual truther and I recently reached out and picked up the great David Ray Griffin's radical, mind-blowing book, Christian Faith and the Truth about 9/11.

Going forward, all people of faith, of all faiths should know this: There is fertile soil here, when we prayerfully and mindfully take up the causes of anti-racism, the over-coming of Islamophobia, and combine these holistically with the truth-telling about 9/11. When we do so, it's a certain kind of consciousness, respectful of how God is in history, and how prophets can see patterns. Truth-telling is a spiritual calling. 

My friend Henry and I, as a caucus inside Truth Action Project, NYC, recently put together this flyer. We distributed it outside the awesome "Revolutionary Love" conference at Middle Collegiate Church, a few weeks ago. Check it out:

In the Name of Christ:
A Call to the Truth
peacemaking dove.jpg

"Don't be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”
Matthew 10:26

“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”
Ephesians IV -25

Peace Be With You!
Shalom, and Salam.

One of the greatest ways to struggle against racism and Islamophobia is to resist the official blaming of 9/11/01 on Muslim terrorists. That’s propaganda, and it’s unproven. Look at the facts, as you deepen your spiritual courage,  and love of God, and you begin to see things anew.

We are a caucus of the local NYC Truth Action Project (TAP). We are advocating for the truth about 9/11, as a part of the call to establish a new Way based on God’s mercy and justice.

We are in the Sprit of the radical, non-violent, liberating Jesus Christ. We hear the call to be prophetic, to be humble, and to do the work.

All faith traditions agree that the path of truth and justice is the path of God. We at the Truth Action Project have dedicated ourselves to making known the truth about the events of September 11, 2001. We acknowledge that this is controversial stuff. But we are praying for you today to take another look at what happened on 9/11. We can hardly be victorious in our efforts towards truth and justice by closing our eyes to the truth of this world-historic event.

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What Does Jesus Have to Do With It?

Jesus was all about confronting racism, empire, and hate. Just look at the story of how he reached out to Samaritans, tax-collectors, soldiers, and prostitutes. He dissolved social taboos and talked about a Kingdom to come, beyond the demonic rule of Roman oppression.

One of our inspirations today is theologian David Ray Griffin. “If you are open to the grace of honest inquiry and the risk of following the historical Jesus in confronting the evils of empire, this rigorously argued book is a MUST READ," said a former CIA analyst-turned Christian progressive, regarding Griffin’s Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11. Griffin insists that the argument that the Bush administration carried out the attacks remains “unrefuted.” Citing the media’s failure to educate the public, Griffin writes that “there is, however, another means through which this information could be conveyed—through the churches.”

Why Now?

2016 was the year that “changed everything” about 9/11. After 13 years of White House censorship, the “28 Pages” were released, the “Secret Documents” of the 9/11 Congressional Joint Inquiry. There was mainstream media coverage of these documents, on 60 Minutes, New York Times and CNN, and the attention lead directly to the unanimous passage of “JASTA,” a new  law that allows 9/11 victim’s family members to file suit against any country responsible for 9/11, including the major US ally, Saudi Arabia.

Any student of history can read it plainly: the 28 Pages revealed how Saudi Royals, such as Bush-ally Prince Bandar, were intimately involved in funding the 9/11 attacks. The money trail here is a smoking gun. The 9/11 attack was created by the US “Deep State” - which is a noxious mix of CIA, Bush era Neo-Cons, Zionists, Pentagon, and private military contractors. Saudis and Mossad played a role, as client states of the US War Machine.

Our first clue should be the coddling of the “19 hijackers” before 9/11, as revealed by the “28 Pages” and the books of US Senator Bob Graham. The other smoking gun is the collapse of World Trade Center 7, at 5:21 PM that day, it was not even hit by a plane, but it was the local CIA and DOD headquarters.  Of course, there are many other anomalies as well, such as how the Pentagon could have been struck an hour after WTC 1, Anthrax, or the “dancing Israelis” in New Jersey, documented in a recent FBI report.

More About Us:

The 9/11 Truth Action Project includes several thousand scholars and academics, pilots and firefighters, lawyers, artists and entertainers, and many citizens from all walks of life. We have come together to oppose the lies of this empire. We stand with over 2,800 architects and engineers whose scientific analysis of the the destruction of the World Trade Center tells us that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. With these 2,800 architects and engineers, we claim that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is lying when they state that the 47 story, steel framed World Trade Center #7 was reduced to rubble in less than 7 seconds by office fires.  We urge you to study the facts presented by our colleagues at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, in one of their professional online videos.

Truth and justice will only come to be if we unflinchingly face and speak the truth, no matter how difficult. We urge the participants in all Christian Churches,  to study and come to know the truth about the events of 9/11 and join us in this effort.

Our TAP group meets monthly at the 15th Street Friends Meeting House, the old Quaker building, at East 15th Street and Rutherford Place. Next meeting: 6/15/17 at 7 PM

April 30, 2017
By Sander Hicks and Henry Platsky
Working with NYC 9/11 Truth Action Project
Pray for Peace. Work for Justice.

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